Tooth Extraction Vienna, VA

Dr. Matthew Gerald offers his patients tooth extractions in Vienna, VA. People need tooth extractions to remove severely infected, overcrowded, damaged, or impacted teeth. As a general dental treatment, dental extractions help prevent further infection, damage, or even loss.

In many cases, tooth extraction treatments can benefit your long-term oral health. We will monitor your health at routine appointments and will recommend only relevant treatments. Tooth extractions are a last resort when nothing else can save the tooth.

Tooth Extraction in Vienna, Virginia

Types of Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions may be simple or complex. Simple tooth extractions remove teeth that are above the gum line. This extraction procedure does not require sedation for most patients.

Complex tooth extractions remove teeth that are in unusual positions, such as wisdom teeth. The dentist usually has to perform oral surgery to remove the affected tooth or teeth.

A dentist can provide three types of tooth extractions: Anterior teeth extractions, posterior teeth extractions, and wisdom tooth extractions. Anterior teeth extractions are a common dental procedure that involves removing one or more teeth from the front of the mouth. This procedure can also make room for orthodontic treatment or to correct an overbite.

Posterior teeth extractions involve removing teeth from the back of the mouth. This type of extraction can relieve pain or discomfort caused by overcrowding, infection, or decay. It can also help prepare your teeth for orthodontic treatment or to make room for dental implants.

An impacted tooth is basically stuck in your jawbone, under the surface of your gums. Impacted teeth can’t erupt and cause pain, among other long-term side effects. Impacted teeth are more likely to develop tooth decay, an infection, and abscess. Your gums swell, and you may experience a bad taste and bad breath when you bite down in that area.

Sometimes, when you have a tooth extraction or a knocked out tooth, the tooth root remains in your jaw. Residual roots can cause many of the same problems as an impacted tooth. They’re painful, and have further oral health consequences. We can surgically access the tooth roots and remove them.

Procedure for a Tooth Extraction in Vienna, VA

Before treatment, Dr. Gerald assesses the condition of your teeth to create a treatment plan. Once the plan is in place, he will help schedule an appointment for the extraction. To begin, Dr. Gerald will administer local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth. He may also provide sedation dentistry for patients with dental anxiety or a fear of the dentist.

During treatment, Dr. Gerald removes the tooth or teeth and covers the socket with gauze pads. He may place a few stitches into the tooth socket if necessary. Then, he will prescribe you pain medication to relieve discomfort during your recovery.

Take good care of the extraction site for the next few days. A painful condition called ‘dry socket’ can occur if the blood clot never forms or falls out. Also, you must avoid sucking in liquid through a straw, smoking, and rinsing your mouth out vigorously. These tips, along with consuming soft foods, will ensure the extraction sites heals quickly.

Tooth Replacement Options

You should consider teeth replacement options if you are getting a tooth extraction because of damage or decay. Dr. Gerald offers several treatment options, including dental bridges, dentures, partial dentures, and dental implants. Unless your tooth is a wisdom tooth or we remove it for orthodontic or overcrowding issues, you’ll want to replace that tooth.

Missing teeth can cause a variety of oral health issues. When you lose the tooth root, your jawbone begins deteriorating in that area. It causes your face to sag, aging you by many years in the look of your face. You may have issues speaking and chewing, depending on where you are missing teeth in your mouth.

Several pros and cons come with each replacement option. However, teeth implants offer the most benefits. A dental restoration secured to implant fixtures will function like natural teeth. Our dentist can help you decide which option is best for you based on your individual needs and preferences.

Dental Bridges

A bridge can replace one tooth or a span of multiple missing teeth. Traditional bridges use your natural teeth on either side of the bridge to support it. We recommend fortifying them with dental crowns, allowing them to take on some of the pressure of supporting the bridge. They can be removable or fixed, depending on your needs.

Dental implants can also support a dental bridge. Dental implant-supported bridges don’t put stress on your natural teeth, or remove tooth structure to accommodate a crown. You get all the benefits that come with getting dental implants without the cost of replacing each one of your missing teeth.

To learn about our dental bridge procedure, visit Dental Bridges.

Dentures & Partial Dentures

Our dentures and partial dentures are custom prosthetic devices that replace your lost teeth. They provide a natural-looking result for those who have lost teeth because of injury, gum disease, or age. With the help of our dentist, you can get the perfect set of dentures or partial dentures that will fit comfortably and look great.

We have multiple kinds of dentures that we offer at our Vienna dental office. Partial dentures are similar to bridges in that they replace a span of missing teeth. Traditional dentures are usually removable, relying on suction and adhesive to stay in your mouth. Implant dentures use a number of dental implants to attach and stay in your mouth.

Like implant-supported bridges, implant dentures use a limited number of implants to support a fixed arch of missing teeth. To learn about your denture options at our office, visit Dentures.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth, a permanent solution, and can last for a lifetime with proper care. Consult with Dr. Matthew Gerald when considering dental implants. He can provide you with all the information that you need to make an informed decision. During the consultation, we will assess your oral health and determine if dental implants are right for you.

We will also explain the procedure in detail, discuss any risks or complications, and answer questions you may have. To learn more about our dental implant services, visit Dental Implants.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Why should I remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow. Also known as the “third molars”, wisdom teeth erupt behind the molars in the back of the mouth. If the wisdom teeth do not have enough room to develop properly, they can get stuck in your gums or jawbone.

This means they have the potential to damage adjacent teeth when they do emerge. We will perform a thorough exam and take dental x-rays to determine if we need to remove your wisdom teeth.

How many days should a person rest after tooth extraction?

A simple extraction typically requires 48 to 72 hours of bed rest following the procedure. After this, you’ll be free to resume your regular routine. Remember your aftercare instructions from your dentist. Refrain from taking pain medication until at least a day after the procedure.

Can I drink water after tooth extraction?

Along with keeping your body hydrated, drinking water often helps your teeth stay clean and free of bacteria. After having a tooth extraction, drink plenty of water to flush the area and avoid infection. But first wait until your mouth is no longer numb so you don’t bite your tongue on accident.

Should I avoid talking after tooth extraction?

Talking causes more movement of the tongue and surrounding muscles, which in turn breaks up the clots. After surgery, you should be careful speaking and avoid touching the incision site. Messing with the incision site will restart bleeding by dislodging the healthy blood clot.

Can I eat with gauze in my mouth?

You must remove the gauze from your mouth before eating or drinking. Also, remove the gauze before going to bed. Make sure the gauze is over the incision site and not just between your teeth when you put it back on.

If you think you need a tooth extraction in Vienna, VA, contact the dental office of Dr. Gerald today at (703) 721-4796. You can also schedule a dental appointment with our professional dental team on our website.