Visiting Your Cosmetic Dentist

Are you unhappy with the color, shape, or general appearance of your smile? You might sustain a blow to your confidence if you feel dissatisfied with the way your teeth look. Fortunately, our dentist can provide cosmetic dental solutions that will help you get the smile of your dreams.

You will begin the smile enhancement process with a consult with our dentist. You can experience a more efficient initial appointment when you know what to expect during this visit. Read on to learn what will occur when you schedule a consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Vienna, VA.

cosmetic dental consultation appointment in Vienna Virginia

What to Expect from a Cosmetic Dental Consultation

Oral Health Exam

You schedule this type of appointment to find cosmetic dental solutions that will work for you. But our dentist will begin this consultation with an exam of your teeth and gums. They want to make sure your smile provides a healthy and strong foundation that can support this dental work.

If you have cavities, gum disease, or other dental issues, the dentist will suggest treating them before proceeding with cosmetic treatment. You can see better smile enhancement results with clean and healthy teeth to begin with. Practice proper oral hygiene and good at-home dental care to further boost your oral health.

Personalized Smile Design

With a healthy smile established, you and our dentist can then discuss your smile aesthetic goals. You can let them know what you hope your smile will look like as well as point out any specific problem areas with your teeth.

The dentist will then consider your desired results with your medical history and existing dental structure to form a custom treatment plan that will suit your unique needs. This individualized approach will give you comprehensive and effective results that will look both beautiful and natural and will not compromise your oral health.

They will give you a thorough understanding of what will occur during each step of your treatment. This is a prime opportunity to ask questions about your specific case. But our dentist will also maintain open communication for the duration of your treatment.

Cosmetic Dental Treatment Plan

Once you have a treatment plan in place, you will work with the front office staff to schedule any necessary dental procedures. Our dentist will let you know how many visits you need. They can also tell you how long each session should take.

Some cosmetic treatments, like teeth bonding, will only need one appointment to complete. Others may need three or more visits, like porcelain veneers. After your initial consult, our dentist will prepare the surface of the teeth, make custom dental fixtures, and then attach them to the front of the teeth when the veneers are ready.

If you want to whiten your teeth with our dentist, you will need a combination of in-office treatment and take-home materials. The number of appointments will depend on your unique dental needs. Follow aftercare instructions from our dentist to ensure your results last as long as possible.